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Why Not Help Other Bloggers Out?

I been blogging for about 8 months now and I am constantly learning new things and ideas daily about blogging and social media.

The one big thing that I recently learned was its not all about me. What I mean by this is I need to do for others instead of people just doing for me. This includes retweeting other peoples giveaways, commenting on blogs and helping out other bloggers when needed. I know this sounds like common sense but think about how you go thru the blogesphere on a daily basis.

Are you retweeting for others? Commenting on other blogs? Helping out when necessary

If you can answer yes to the above questions they you are building solid relationships in the blogesphere that will be beneficial in the long run. You are building blogging relationship that will be there for you when you need them to be.

I use to blog for myself and never considered anyone else but that is not the case anymore and I am glad because I feel like I have more blogging friends then I did on the past.